This game was made for the 5 Buttons competition on the Experimental Gameplay Project.
Parameters suggest the playtime between 3-5 minutes and for between 1-5 players.
This game is intentionally quite short in terms of play session time.
Porkerpillar requires XNA 4.0 and the .NET framework.
Current versions for download:
1. Straight zipped-folder download, assumes XNA 4.0 and .NET are installed.
2. Setup-program version, which checks first to install XNA 4.0 and .NET if you don't have them.
Hold keys 1 through 5 to raise corresponding parts of the Porkerpillar.
If you raise on hump, the babies will slide left or right.
If you raise two humps, and the babies are in between, they will raise up in place.
Nudge the babies with the humps to keep them closer together, or to move them over a little.
Keyboard notes:
This game was originally designed for special hardware.
Traditional keyboards don't always support holding keys 1-5 down all at once.